June 2023
An extremely common question I get asked all the time is, “how do you know when to split up a component?” I want to share a simple pattern with you that is basically fool-proof, and can be applied to lots of components with almost no thought.
June 2023
Take your components and break them up into smaller pieces. Or create new components and composables that let you encapsulate and reuse code in a better way. This is the simplest way to clean up your Vue app and make you and your team more productive.
April 2023
There might be components hidden inside of your existing components. Finding them and extracting them will make your code simpler, and easier to use.
March 2023
Wouldn't it be great if you could write with Markdown on Twitter, with code blocks and proper syntax highlighting? Well, I built myself a tool that does just that.
March 2023
There are many patterns you can use to improve your composables. Using an object to pass parameters in is a very useful one that’s used all over the place — just take a look at the source of VueUse.
March 2023
How do we structure the state in our applications more effectively? It’s a question I’ve asked myself a lot over the years, because state is so central to app development and can be so difficult to wrangle.
March 2023
Composables are great, except that it seems we always need to create a new file for them. I want to explore some ways we can create inline composables — no need to create new files all over the place!
February 2023
This has been a question on the mind of every Vue dev since the Composition API was first released: What’s the difference between `ref` and `reactive`, and which one is better?